There are so many great bands and artists out there that don`t get the recognition they deserve. I`ve been playing the live circuit around the Midlands (UK) with my current band Ribdonor for about a year now and in that time, I`ve seen some fantastic unsigned local bands as well as been introduced to some awesome unsigned bands from around the world. I want to help in a small way to get bands from all over the world the exposure they deserve. So, if you`re in a quality band, and have some recorded material, get in touch.
Each month, I will be picking a different band to be featured as the `Artist Of The Month` where there will be a blog post written about the band which will be seen by 1000`s of unique visitors that this website gets every week. Just email me at or via our contact page.
Your music can be in any style as long as there are guitars (this is a guitar site aftertall) and there is some `rock` influence. So, if you`re djent, indie rock, grunge, metal, prog, thrash, electronic rock, etc – send in your stuff. Any style of `rock` music is welcome. I will listen to all submissions and I will try to get back to everyone who sends in their music, with a thank you and hopefully a bit of feedback. Even if you don`t win, you will get a mention at some point (probably Christmas time) where I will compile a list of everyone who has entered for 2013 with a link to your Facebook/Bandcamp.
To enter, all I ask is you put a link to this site – your favourite blog post or the home page ( will do, on your website if you have one. If you don`t have a website, just share our Facebook page here. It`s not a neccessity if you would rather not, but it would be appreciated. Contact me with the following to enter:
Band name:
Short bio (if you have one)
URL that you have linked this website on:
You can either email me 2/3 songs or send me a link to your best tracks to or via our contact page.
…and I will be in touch. If you want to send a copy of an EP, please contact me for my address. Good luck and remember to support unsigned music. We are in this together. I really want to create something special here. A hell of a lot of nsigned music is too good to fall by the wayside.
Look forward to hearing your entries.