It`s been a busy few months for me here at Rockstar Guitar Tuition. I have had a fair amount of new students all with a huge variety of styles they want to learn (which is great for me as a teacher as it keeps it all exciting). I have also started teaching at the South Wolverhampton and Bilston Acedemy which has been great so far. Then there was Christmas which was amazing and I got a new 7 string guitar from my lovely girlfriend. With all this going on, it`s meant some of the things I have been meaning to do such as put up my `Rockstar Guitar Tuition` Soundcloud page has taken till now to do.
Well, finally here it is. The Soundcloud page is going to contain a huge amount of material that I have created over the years from original band material, songs created entirely for studetns and courses I run, material from a solo EP which I am aiming to get recorded this year, and lots of other bits and pieces.
I`m really excited about the Soundcloud page as it will probably be the only place where a lot of vastly differing recordings of my guitar work will be. It will be great for students and prospective students to listen to, and will contain the playalong and backing tracks that my students use. There will be a massive variety of material on there from rock to pop, classical to metal, jazz to punk, eastern to Bosa Nova and much more. It`s a little bare right now, but there will be plenty more tracks coming soon.
Give the page a like and I hope you enjoy listening to recordings. Let me know if there`s any styles you are interested in hearing.